Take Me 2 Diamond

united states

United States, North America

Created Sep 17, 2016


PlayStation 4




rank icon Platinum III

Team Bio

This is TM2D

The purpose of this team is for players who want to play with other cooperative players and to achieve "mastery" in ranked.

Rules: While a mic is not 100% necessary you need to be able to hear and understand other people who are using a mic. You will need at least a 1.0 Ranked KD and 1.5 ranked win/loss. While the game is sometimes frustrating you can't argue with other teammates. The last rule is we must play as a team.

While you don't have to the best of the best you should try to learn from our mistakes. If you mess up figure out what you did wrong how you could prevent it. When we attack or defend a room we should always have a gameplan.

If you would like to join message me (amgtree) on psn. If there is interest I will go around making more platforms for us to organize. If it goes well I could also try to getting in some tournaments

Also if you have some graphic design skills a team logo would be great.

Minimum Age: 13

Upcoming Events

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