
united kingdom

United Kingdom, Europe

Created Feb 7, 2017




  • EU West weu


  • Ranked


rank icon Diamond

Team Bio


Currently, we are . 4 players total in which 2 are diamond and 2 are platinum. We enjoy the aspect of winning ranked matches and are aware of the current meta. We are very strict when it comes to racism, and we treat each other fairly and without prejudice.

Looking for

Phantoms is looking for players who are able to communicate effeciently, and who are aware of the current meta. We do not want players who only play for fun, and do not like players who use voice coms as a place to complain or speak about subjects other than the game at hand. Eventually, we will be aiming higher, towards the ESL, and will compete for the cup. For now, we compete in Sunday tournaments and scrims.


Add me on Uplay: Malcor_YouTube or Steam: Malcor Feel free to join our discord and tell us you came from siegrs :


We play everyday for aprox. 3~4 hours, however we are not bound by a specific schedule as of now, and accept that other members may have important life matters such as school or work to attend to before playing.

Minimum Age: 13

Upcoming Events

No events scheduled

Events are part of the premium subscription. Premium teams can create public and private events.



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